- Cool Season Specialty Crops in High Tunnels
- Fall Specialty Garlic Production
- Assessment and Encouragement of Native Bees in Cucurbit Plantings
- Evaluating Specialty Crops for Organic Production
- High Tunnel Tomato Production: Evaluating Heirloom and Hybrid Varieties for Early-Season Availability
- Living Mulches for Reduced-Till, Organic Broccoli Production
- Trap Cropping of Cucumber Beetles and Squash Stink Bugs for Low-Input Melon Production
- Evaluation of a bioherbicide for weed control in specialty crop production systems

- Seeding rates in organic field crop production systems for Tennessee
- Development of organic forage production systems for Tennessee and the Mid-South
- Benefits of intercropping red clover in organic barley production
- Impact of legume cover crops on phosphorus and nitrogen availability, weed control, and cash crop performance in reduced-tillage organic cropping systems
- Impacts of winter cover crops on weed control, soil properties, and soybean yield in conventionally tilled organic systems
- Wheat seeding rate and cultivar impacts on weed control and crop performance in a reduced-tillage organic wheat-cowpea double crop

- Sustainable Tillage Methods for Organic Vegetable Production
- Front-Mounted Roller Termination of Cover Crops in No-till Organic Corn Production
- Living Mulches for Reduced-Till, Organic Broccoli Production
- Sod-based rotations and reduced-tillage systems for improved organic vegetable production systems