- 2025 Southeastern U.S. Vegetable Crop Handbook
- AFSIC – Medicinal and Culinary Herbs
- A Guide to On-Farm Processing for Organic Producers
- ATTRA National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
- eOrganic (Crop Production & Processing)
- Herb Associations
- High Tunnel Tomato Production: Evaluating Heirloom and Hybrid Varieties for Early-Season Availability
- Mushroom Cultivation and Marketing
- NCState Asparagus Home Production
- NCSU Fresh Herb Production & Marketing
- Rodale Institute
- SARE Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
- Shiitake Mushroom Production on Logs
- Specialty Mushrooms
- Speciality Mushroom Production Systems: Maitake and Morels
- UC Postharvest Handling for Organic Crops (Crop Production & Processing)
- University of Kentucky – Commercial Asparagus Production
- University of Kentucky- Culinary Herbs
- UT Commercial Tomato Production (PB737)
- UT Commercial Snapbean Production (PB897)
- UT Extension: In-Ground Greenhouse Tomato Production
- UT Extension: Tomato Disease & Insect Control Manual
- UT Extension: Producing Cantaloupes in Tennessee (PB962)