- 2024 SE Vegetable Handbook
- Clemson University Cucurbit Downy Mildew Spray Guide
- Cornell University Resource Guide for Organic Insect & Disease Management
- Cornell University Vegetable MD Online
- Disease ID Images for Vegetables from IPM Images
- Early Blight Management for Organic Tomato Production
- eOrganic Plant Disease Management
- Marrone BioInnovations Biopesticide CEU Course
- NCSU Fungicide Spray Guides for Tomato and Pepper
- NCSU Vegetable Disease Management
- The Ohio State University Organic Fruit Disease Management Guides
- The Ohio State University Tomato Disease Factsheets
- The Ohio State University Vegetable Disease Facts
- Organic Late Blight Management- Webinar
- Penn State Vegetable Pests and Diseases
- Penn State Vegetable Disease Identification
- University of California Plant Disease Management for Organic Crops
- University of Tennessee Soil, Plant and Pest Center
- University of Vermont Organic Disease Management
- Vegetable Disease Control for the Organic Farmer/Gardener
- West Virginia University KTFREC- Diagnostic Keys to Major Fruit Diseases
- Hansen, Z., Siegenthaler, T., & Swafford, A. 2019. Managing Phytophthora blight of peppers and cucurbits. University of Tennessee Extension, W810.
- Hansen, Z., & Bost, S. 2019. Commercial Pumpkin Disease Management Guide. University of Tennessee Extension, W848.