Below are publications and resources for fruit and vegetable growers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- UT Extension COVID-19 and Food Safety FAQ: Is coronavirus a concern on fresh produce?
- UT Extension COVID-19 and Food Safety FAQ: Is coronavirus an issue in produce production?
- UT Extension Washing Produce
- Centers for Disease Control
- Center for Profitable Agriculture COVID-19 Resources
- Cornell Novel Coronavirus Prevention & Control for Farms
- NCSU COVID-19 Resources
- NCSU-UGA COVID-19 Preventative Measures: Preventing the Spread
- TN Department of Health
- USDA COVID-19 Federal Rural Resource Guide
- UT Extension Handling COVID-19 Best Practices for Agribusiness
- UT Extension Handling COVID-19 Produce Farms and Packinghouses
- OSU COVID-19 Food Safety for Plain Growers
- UGA Food Safety and Production Protocols for COVID-19
- University of Vermont COVID-19 Resources
*NOTE: Lots of good resources here, but scroll to the bottom to the ‘Farmer Generated Resources’ for Word documents that you can customize for your farm created by other fruit and vegetable growers.
- EPA List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2
NOTE: The disinfectants that are listed for ‘human coronavirus’ as well as the contact time, which is the amount of time the chemical needs to remain wet on the surface being treated. The contact time can range from less than a minute up to 10 minutes.
- Community Alliance with Family Farmers – On-Food Farm Safety during COVID-19: How to Prepare CSA Pick Up Sites?
- Community Alliance with Family Farmers – On-Farm Food Safety during COVID-19: How to Prepare for an Employee Shortage
- Example COVID-19 Farm Preparedness Plan
*NOTE: This is one example of a standard operating procedure (SOP) that Two Farmers farm in Maine has created and tailored to their farm, and decided to share with others in response to COVID-19. Each grower should assess their own situation, practices, and resources when creating a preparedness plan for their own farm.
- UT Extension Updates on the H-2A Program in the Midst of COVID-19
- UT Extension Expansion of the categories of H-2 visa applicants whose applications can be decided on without an in-person interview
- UT Extension Information to Protect Farmworkers and Their Employers in the Midst of COVID-19
- UT Fact Sheet of Title II of the CARES Act: “Assistance for American Workers, Families and Businesses”
- Temporary Changes to Requirements Affecting H–2A Nonimmigrants Due to the COVID–19 National Emergency Effective Rule April 20
- US Department of Labor FAQ – Round 1: Office of Foreign Labor Certification National Processing Centers Communication with employers, updates, requests for extensions to deadlines, changes in Labor Condition Applications and changes in need for workers
- US Department of Labor FAQ – Round 2: Changing working sites, and labor activities and services to promote social distancing, quarantined workers and invoking contract impossibility
- UT Weekly Webinar Wednesday Information for Agricultural Employees on the COVID-19 Virus in Spanish (Un nuevo virus COVID19 información para empleados agrícolas)
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act): Employee Paid Leave Rights
- Employee Rights Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act Posters:
Spanish - CDC Agricultural Employer Checklist for Creating a COVID-19 Assessment and Control Plan
- Agriculture Workers and Employers Interim Guidance from CDC and the U.S. Department of Labor
- TN Department of Health COVID-19 Prevention, Monitoring, and Management for Agricultural Settings
- COVID-19 Vaccination & the Food and Agriculture Sector
- UT Extension Expansión de los criterios para aplicantes a la visa H-2A que no necesitan una entrevista en persona
- University of Michigan Extension – Families First Coronavirus Response Act
- University of Winconsin, Madison – Families First Coronavirus Response Act
- Families First Coronavirus Recovery Act: Legal Obligations for Farms with Employees during COVID-19 – Paul Mitchell
- CDC Guía para las familias grandes o extendidas que viven en el mismo hogar
- CDC 10 maneras de manejar los síntomas respiratorios en casa
- CDC Lo que usted debe saber acerca del COVID-19 para protegerse y proteger a los demás
- CDC Síntomas del coronavirus (COVID-19)
- NCSU Extension Farmworker Health and Safety Education Program Videos:
- Knox Co. Health Department Coronavirus videos:
- Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19 (and instructions for making your own- sewn or no-sew templates)
- NCSU COVID-19 Preventative Measures: Bandanas as Facecloth Coverings (English)
- NCSU COVID-19 Preventative Measures: Bandanas as Facecloth Coverings (Spanish)
- NCSU COVID-19 Preventative Measures: DIY Cloth Face Coverings (in Spanish)
- FDA Use of Respirators, Facemasks, and Cloth Face Coverings in the Food and Agriculture Sector During Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic